Memorial Site on the late, Dr. George M. Lamsa World Renown ''Aramaic Biblical Scholar''

Old Testament Light Series by Dr. Errico and Dr Lamsa Most Excellent Work

Photo Album
Dr. Rocco A. Errico, ''International Aramaic Biblical Scholar''
The George M. Lamsa Memorial Lectures from the 40s 50s 60s 70s Copyright 1981 - 2025
Old Testament Light Series by Dr. Errico and Dr Lamsa Most Excellent Work
New Testament Light Series
The Holy Bible
The Works of Dr. George M. Lamsa
The Works Of Dr. George M. Lamsa Ctnd.
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The Collected Works of George M. Lamsa
Album Of More Photos by Dr. Lamsa and Dr. Errico
Aramaic Light from the language of Jesus

Aramaic Light on Genesis (Aramaic Old Testament Series Volume 1)
This inimitable commentary opens a doorway into the Near Eastern culture of the times, the powerful faith of the patriarchs, their visions and dreams, and their unsophisticated lifestyle. It unlocks many misunderstood passages of scripture and clarifies the Creation epic poem, the Adam and Eve story, Noah and the great flood, the Tower of Babel, the mysterious priesthood of Melchizedek, Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot?s wife turned into a pillar of salt, and much more. This volume is not just a revision of Dr. Lamsa?s Old Testament Light commentary on Genesis, 1964. Dr. Errico has edited, expanded, and annotated the previous comments in the new format that Dr. Lamsa desired. In addition, this book contains unpublished material that the two of them had only drafted prior to Dr. Lamsa?s death in 1975. Dr. Errico completed these comments, adding information derived from his continual research in Aramaic word meanings and Near Eastern Semitic Studies.
Aramaic Light on Exodus through Deuteronomy (Aramaic Old Testament Series Volume 2)
This inimitable commentary opens a doorway into the Near Eastern culture of the times, the powerful faith of the patriarchs, their visions and dreams, and their unsophisticated lifestyle. It unlocks many misunderstood passages of This inimitable commentary unlocks and clarifies many misunderstood passages of the Torah?Moses? symbolic dreams and visions, his leadership, the war between the Hebrews and Egyptians, the crossing of the Red Sea, the Divine tabernacle in the wilderness, how water came from a rock, fire from heaven, many Levitical laws, the miracles and adventures in the desert, the laws of Deuteronomy, and more. They also address the most important questions of all: Does God participate in the murder of men, women and children so that the Divine Will might be fulfilled? Did God tell Moses to commit any atrocities that are found in these biblical books?
Aramaic Light on Joshua through 2 Chronicles (Aramaic Old Testament Series Volume 3)
This inimitable commentary unlocks and clarifies many misunderstood passages in the biblical, religious history of Israel. It also opens the way to comprehend the mysteries of the schools of the prophets, Joshua's miracles of crossing the Jordan, the collapse of the walls of Jericho, commanding the sun and moon to stand still, the leadership of Gideon, the prophetess Deborah, the real power behind Samson's strength, the prophet Samuel, the secrets of Elijah and Elisha and more.
Aramaic Light on Ezra through Song of Solomon (Aramaic Old Testament Series Volume 4)
This inimitable commentary unlocks and clarifies many misunderstood passages in the biblical, religious history of Israel. It also opens the way to comprehend the ancient Hebrew folk songs known as the Psalms, the wisdom of the Near East known as the Proverbs, the startling answers to the sufferings of Job and why good people suffer, the endearing love writings in the Song of Solomon, and the epic tale of Esther.
Aramaic Light on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations (Aramaic Old Testament Series Volume 5)
Volume 5 is a unique commentary based on the Aramaic language and ancient Near Eastern customs. It carries you back to the 8th century CE, providing an unusual perspective and insight into the books of the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah and the lamentations of Jeremiah. It offers understanding into many difficult oracles and prophecies of these two major prophets, who were spokesmen for justice, compassion, and social rejuvenation that could only come about by turning to God the source of love and compassion. This inimitable commentary acts as a Near Eastern guide, revealing to the Western mind a more intimate picture of the socio-religious, Semitic culture and psychological environment of this period. Dr. Errico and Dr. Lamsa unlock and clarify many misunderstood biblical passages and open the way to comprehend the visions of the prophets. Abraham J. Heschel defined a prophet as: . . . a person who sees the world with the eyes of God . . . a person who holds God and man in one thought at one time, at all times . . . who suffers harms done to others. . . . Living in dismay, he has the power to transcend dismay
Aramaic Light on Ezekiel, Daniel, & the Minor Prophets (Aramaic Old Testament Series Volume 6)
This final volume in the Aramaic Old Testament commentary series carries the reader back to a time when the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were guided by spiritual, caring, and compassionate men gifted with prophetic insight to help their people. It illuminate many misunderstood passages in the biblical, religious, and prophetic history of ancient Israel and clarifies the mysterious priestly visions of Ezekiel, the great mystical symbols and beasts of Daniel with its far-reaching prophecies into the time of the Christian movement, and unveiling the oracles of the so-called minor prophets form Hosea to Malachi.