Memorial Site on the late, Dr. George M. Lamsa World Renown ''Aramaic Biblical Scholar''

Photo Album

Photo Album
Dr. Rocco A. Errico, ''International Aramaic Biblical Scholar''
The George M. Lamsa Memorial Lectures from the 40s 50s 60s 70s Copyright 1981 - 2025
Old Testament Light Series by Dr. Errico and Dr Lamsa Most Excellent Work
New Testament Light Series
The Holy Bible
The Works of Dr. George M. Lamsa
The Works Of Dr. George M. Lamsa Ctnd.
Our Up - Grade will be finish in the near future / Still under construction
The Collected Works of George M. Lamsa
Album Of More Photos by Dr. Lamsa and Dr. Errico
Aramaic Light from the language of Jesus

Dr. George M. Lamsa
''International Native Aramaic Speaker, Translator of The Holy Bible from the Peshitta Ancient Eastern Manuscripts

George M. Lamsa brings to this work a lifetime of scholarship and translation of the Eastern manuscripts of the Bible. ''Born in the Garden of Eden'' during his lifetime, he translated The Holy Bible from the Aramaic of the Peshitta into the English language and authored over thirty books some are out of print,but i see more and more are coming back. All his books are just marvelous easy to read and very informative on the eastern Culture, illuminating the original meaning of Scripture.''This edition out of print''


In reference to the originality of the Peshitta, the words of His Holiness Mar Eshai Shimun, Catholicos Patriarch of the Church of the East,

"With reference to....the originality of the Peshitta text, as the Patriarch and Head of the Holy Apostolic and Catholic Church of the East, we wish to state, that the Church of the East received the scriptures from the hands of the blessed Apostles themselves in the Aramaic original, the language spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and that the Peshitta is the text of the Church of the East which has come down from the Biblical times without any change or revision."

Mar Eshai Shimun

by Grace, Catholicos Patriarch of the East

April 5, 1957